America's Number One Conservative Movie Site...Edge says so.
dang we need someone noble and decent to run for to join the race Edge?..LOL
Only if you will be my VP, Angel (or I can be your VP). :o)EDGE/ANGEL '08"KEEP AMERICA STRONG!"
Whoa! Bell fetish, huh? Not to mention the disturbing mental image of Huckabee you just gave me! LOL!
Brooke,I do what I can!
Huckabee is making a VERY strong showing tonight.
Yah he sure did Frank Fam!I think he really gave Mitt AND McCain a good run last night!
i'm having a difficult time commenting - this is a test.
Nanc,This guy was so happy!
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dang we need someone noble and decent to run for to join the race Edge?..LOL
Only if you will be my VP, Angel (or I can be your VP). :o)
Whoa! Bell fetish, huh?
Not to mention the disturbing mental image of Huckabee you just gave me! LOL!
I do what I can!
Huckabee is making a VERY strong showing tonight.
Yah he sure did Frank Fam!
I think he really gave Mitt AND McCain a good run last night!
i'm having a difficult time commenting - this is a test.
This guy was so happy!
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