Thursday, May 22, 2008

Edge's Movie Music

Please enjoy the movie music I found on! Click on "Pop-Out Player" to listen to music while you work! Of course, your feedback and suggestions are always welcome! I will try to update it as much as I can! Enjoy! Thanks, Mommy of 5 for the idea!


Brooke said...

Sweet! You've got a lot of really good ones, too!

Anonymous said...

Great addition, EDGE. My favorite non-song sountrack is Dead Poet's Society. Very moving.

WomanHonorThyself said... I can dance while I comment dude!!

kevin said...

How about the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly?

EDGE said...

Hey Brooke,

Thanks! Anything you wanna hear?


Thanks! I search for DPS, but I couldn't find it.


There's nothing like dancing to "Rocky." :O)


It's up there! Enjoy!

Gayle said...

I love music, Edge, but I find it too distracting when I'm working on a post or reading someone elses. I tend to listen to the music and forget what I'm doing! But I often listen to music off of the pc while I'm in the living room doing something else, so thanks for the link! :)

AmPowerBlog said...

Indiana Jones out today! I love Karen Allen!!

Z said...

Kevin, I think his whistler's broken, huh!?

Edge, this is terrific and a great idea! Thanks!

Jennifer said...

Yay, Forrest Gump theme! My favorite movie. "When I was in China on the All-American Ping Pong team, I just loved playing ping-pong with my Flexolite ping pong paddle."

mommyof7 (2inheaven) said...

I am glad you liked it... I need to add somemore to mine... Just havne't found time...
Mommy of 5