Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Homeless James Bond

"A weapon with a twist."


Rogue said...

I do believe that is the best movie I've seen this year.

I get a little tear in my eye when the good guys win....(sniff)

EDGE said...

"Excuse me sir..." you always know your in trouble when you hear that in a parking lot.

nanc said...

this has a very sad irony to it for me.

a couple of weeks ago, on my way to work there was a very nicely dressed older woman walking alongside the road collecting aluminum.

the same day i believe, when my husband got to work he decided to empty all the trash containers in the office as we have no janitor - when he got out to the dumpster, there was an entire family going through all the dumpsters looking for useful items.

EDGE said...

Yah, I see that stuff more and more. Don't worry though, Nanc, Obama will take care of them.

kevin said...

Bond always gets the chicks.

EDGE said...

I liked the girl's name, Kev. That was funny. I think there are more on Youtube if you want to check it out.

Brooke said...

That was really funny!

"Don't spend it all on drugs!"


Brooke said...

Yah, when I hear "Excuse me, ma'am," in the parking lot, my hand automatically goes in the direction of my pistol.

Nikki said...

Hey thanks for checking out my blog and leaving a comment! You have a great blog too...I am not much of a movie buff but now I know where to go to see what is worth seeing! thanks again and I will pop in now and again...I'll add you to my blogroll and would love to be on yours! thanks :)N

WomanHonorThyself said...

didnt have your email buddy but wanted to say I can't thank you enough for your comfort and support at a time like this.The comments were lovely.
Hope to be back in the saddle by Sunday..Good Lord willing.Thanks for not forgettin me!

EDGE said...


Glad you enjoyed it. I hear ya'. Hopin' to get my concealed weapon permit soon too!

Hi Nikki,

Thanks for the visit! YES! If you ever are in need of a good conservative flick to watch on a rainy day...this is the place to come! I will be blogrollin' you too!

Hey Angel,

How could I ever forget a woman as pleasant and wonderful as you? It's impossible! ;O)

Anonymous said...

Funny stuff, EDGE.
Dual purpose weapon.

EDGE said...

Hey Pinky,

Glad you liked it!

Anonymous said...

EDGE,'ve got a delivery waiting for you at Cheese In My Shoe. Can you come sign for it, please? tee hee....

EDGE said...


A ceiling fan?