Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Darth Vader Prank

...or how to get your wife to divorce you.


Brooke said...

It'd been funnier if he would have said "FEEL THE POWER OF THE DARK SIDE!!!"


Good thing she doesn't sleep with a snubby!

Jennifer said...

She's not gonna wear her Leia costume for him anytime soon!

EDGE said...

Yah, I was about to say it's a good thing she didn't have a surprise for him under her pillow!


I would say probably not in a long time!

Papa Frank said...

The force is certainly NOT strong with this one!

EDGE said...

Papa Frank,

Mistake 1: Buying the mask.

Mistake 2: Buying the light-saber

Mistake 3: Scaring your wife.

Mistake 4: Putting it on YouTube.

Mistake 5: Underestimating your wife's interest in sufficient firearms and her 2nd Amendment Rights.

Papa Frank said...

Yeah, kind of a whole series of errors. I'm still waiting for the obligatory trekkie comment from nanc followed by something about golf. Come on nanc, where are you?!

Gayle said...

LOL! That poor woman!

If my husband ever tried pulling this on me there are many things he wouldn't get for a long time. I won't go into details!

EDGE said...

Papa Frank,

You're right! Where is Nanc?


I know what my mom would say...


WomanHonorThyself said...

not niceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee..bwhahaha!

EDGE said...

Oh come on Angel, you know you wanna try this! :O)

kevin said...

I wonder what Freud would say about a guy who jokes about killing his wife with a long glowing object?

EDGE said...


You may have something there...don't know what he would say.