Friday, July 25, 2008


I'm feeling kinda lazy today. But hey, even the great Messiah gets tired, right?


Jennifer said...

"Without adequate rest, the brain's ability to function quickly deteriorates."

"Similarly, the brain's ability to problem solve is greatly impaired." (Sleep

That explains a lot!

EDGE said...

Your right Jennifer!

Brooke said...

Hey, your post from Wednesday shows what happens when Obama gets a little sleepy.

EDGE said...

Yah, he starts making up words and has imaginary friends in the audience cheering him on!

Always On Watch said...

Love the caption!

nanc said...

have you seen this one yet?

EDGE said...


Yah, I love his expression.



No I haven't, that's a keeper! Silly boy...that's me!

AmPowerBlog said...

Great photo ... he does look tired.

(Edge: I just saw your comments right now on why conservatives are labelled fascist at my blog. That would take a whole post, but note that there's nothing more devastating to be convincingly portrayed as a Nazi warmonger, like Bush is by the left, falsely. There's little substance to it, just like there's little substance to similar attacks on Obama, who himself is more like a Leninist figure than a Hiterian. If you work up your own explanation in a post let me know...)

EDGE said...

Hey Donald,

Thanks for your response! I will make a post about this subject on your blog soon!

nanc said...

edge - you're invited to curtains for a somewhat party...<*:]

cube said...

The MSM will cary his affirmative action butt, he doesn't need to worry.

EDGE said...


Let's hope they drop him along the way!

Anonymous said...

Eh, Obama makes ME tired.

cube said...

Honestly, I can't even stand the sound of his name, much less a speech filled with inane non-sequitors about change...

I feel like yelling, "Go away, you doofus. You aren't qualified to be President."

EDGE said...

Stay awake Pinky! ;O)


Yah, I'm tired of listening how smart this guy is! Can't everyone see he's an empty suit?