Tuesday, August 26, 2008


This is so cool!


Anonymous said...

Those guys and gals are amazing!
I love watching them.
So cool.

Brooke said...

That is really cool!

I wonder how long it takes them to come up with that?

This takes shadow puppets to a new level!

EDGE said...


Yah, I've never heard of them or seen anything like this before, have you?


It must take months for them to prepare! However long it takes it was worth it!

Cappy said...

Not much into this, but you've got to add Idiocracy by Mike Judge to the list.

cube said...

I missed it. The video is no longer available :-(

kevin said...

The vid didn't work for me :(

EDGE said...


I'll have to check it out!

Cube and Kev,

I found another! It should play now!

Subvet said...


EDGE said...


Pretty cool, huh?

Anonymous said...

I've only seen Pilobolus on TV a few times. They are a modern dance troupe, I think.

All I know is that groups like this, and Cirque du Soleil both hire physical therapists to travel with them, since they have a lot of injuries. I see ads for them in my PT magazines. Dude...that's one gig I'd LOVE to do!

EDGE said...


Not me! Bad back!