Sunday, June 7, 2009

Saving Private Ryan (Paramount 1998)

Saving Private Ryan is hands down the greatest war movie ever made...period. So many times I have pointed out in my blog, liberal actors and directors (such as Tom Hanks and Stephen Speilberg) can make the greatest conservative movies ever made. This film is no different.

Ever wonder why that is? It's easy, really. Conservative theme movies sell. Go to Blockbuster someday and look to see how many people rented Milk this weekend. Not many.

However, when you talk to people about greatest movies of all time, Ryan is usually close to the top of everyone's list! If you haven't seen it, where the heck have you been?

This movie has everything a conservative would like in movie! Honest to God heroes, American sacrifice and patriotism.

Here is the review from IMDb...

During WWII, Chief of Staff, General Marshall is informed that three of a woman's sons have been killed and that she's going to receive the notifications of their demise at the same time. And when he learns that a fourth son is still unaccounted for, the General decides to send a unit to find him and bring him back, despite being told that it's highly unlikely that he is still alive and the area that he was known to be at is very dangerous. So the unit consisting of 8 men are sent to find him but as stated it's very dangerous and one by one, each of them are being picked off. Will they find him and how many of them will still be alive.

Here is the trailer...


WomanHonorThyself said...

hey Edge!..ltns!..I must see this flick..thanks for this site..its awesome hun!

ASM826 said...

Milk? I didn't even watch the trailer. I don't care if Milk was gay, I just care that he was ultra-liberal and un-armed. If he's been a conservative gay patriot with a gun, and smoked the twinkie eating nutjob when he showed up, do you think they would have a made that story into a movie?

Borepatch said...

We just watched this last week. Wow, what a movie.

Brooke said...

I could stand to see this one again. It is very, very good.

Z said...

I couldn't watch all of it....I missed the DDay landing, from what Beamish said, I came in late...and I think I'm glad I did because I could barely watch the second long battle scene, where Hanks gets hit.

But, other than the graphic battle scenes, I thought it was fantastic...the whole sense of it, the mission, the comraderie, the love the guys showed for an American mother they didn't even know in trying to find her son...great stuff.

But TOO REAL in the battle stuff for THIS girl!