Sunday, May 2, 2010

The Most Dangerous Game (RKO Pictures 1932)

I love a good survival matter how old it is.

I read this story The Most Dangerous Game when I was in high school and thought 'I wonder if it was ever made into a movie.' was. In 1932. I never watched it until recently and ya' know it was a pretty good one. Yah, the acting was little on the lame side, but as I said earlier...'I love a good survival movie.'

It's easy in life when you're the hunter and not the hunted. Take college football for instance. If you've never won the big game folks expect you to lose. When you win the big game...all is well...then some other team wants to come for you the next week.

As conservatives in today's political climate we are 'the hunters'. Though it may sound strange...we need to be 'the hunted' again. We need to be the big dog on the block once again and become the ones the libs will try to knock off. Success in 2010 is not guaranteed by any means, but I believe we as conservative will succeed.

Can we survive after success? This, I'm not so sure.

Here is the review from IMDb...

A cabin cruiser is shipwrecked off the coast of a remote island, and its three passengers manage to reach the island safely. The island is owned by a strange and enigmatic count who invites them to stay. But he has an underlying motive for his apparent generosity: Count Zaroff enjoys hunting--and he only hunts the most dangerous game: humans!

Watch the movie now! Just click below, only a hour long...


Brooke said...

I'm going to have to 'borrow' it from the interwebs... ;)

Z said...

"As conservatives in today's political climate we are 'the hunters'. Though it may sound strange...we need to be 'the hunted' again. We need to be the big dog on the block once again and become the ones the libs will try to knock off"

I must be missing something, Edge (and Hello!) but I think WE are the hunted and it's about time we started doing the hunting!? xx

WomanHonorThyself said...

have a great weekend BRO!

EDGE said...


If you like survival movies this will be good. Interesting fact about this movie, the heroine Fay Wray while shooting this film was also shooting King Kong.


I can totally see your point of staying aggressive. Just for once I would like to see the GOP have total control in DC but with a conservative agenda.


Hey dude! I did hope you had a good weekend too!