Sunday, July 20, 2008

Faith of My Fathers (A&E 2005)

As most of my regular readers know, I'm not a big fan of John McCain's politics. That being said, I'd vote for the guy a zillion times if they'd let me over BHO.

Now then, off to the movies and folks have I gotta good one for you! Faith of My Father's, John McCain's book is also a great film and the Edge Conservative Movie of the Week! You all know the story by now (or should know) but trust me guys even if you have a gripe with McCain you're still going to love this conservative film about simple values, honor, and the unconquerable American Spirit!

Here are some clips from the film!

Good video!


WomanHonorThyself said...

thanks as always for the heads up Edge...time to get a video!!

EDGE said...

No prob, buddy!

Nikki said...

is that the guy from Rememberthe Titans? :)N

Nikki said...

ok I watched it again and I don't think it is...but I think it looks great! Hollywood never would have put this out had they known he was going up against the golden child...thanks Edge this looks like something I would like to see! :)N

EDGE said...

Hi Nikki,

Yah, when I first saw the DVD cover I thought it was that same actor, but totally different guy. Glad you enjoyed it, and you're right...Hollywood would have never released this during BHO's magical campaign!

Brooke said...

Into the queue!

EDGE said...

Cool Brooke!

AmPowerBlog said...

Having read (most of) the book, I'll look forward to seeing the film.

Yes, JM is much better the BHO. I can't even count the ways...

EDGE said...

It's a good one Don, I know you will like it!

cube said...

Thanks for the heads up. McC wasn't my first choice, but he beats BHO by a light year.

EDGE said...

Hiya Cube,

Welcome to ECM! You'll really enjoy this flick! I seriously doubt A&E will be replaying this during the next few you might want to rent it through Netflix or Blockbuster!

kevin said...

Looks pretty good.

Anonymous said...

I cannot believe I haven't seen this movie. My Papaw read the book, so I know it's a good read.

Thanks, Edge!!!

EDGE said...


It is good! Check it out and let me know what ya' think!


Never read the book so I don't know how accurate it is with the film. Thanks for stopping by!