Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Wonder Woman Casting Call

Hollywood producers are already trying to select who will play the lead role in the new Wonder Woman movie! Well, here at ECM, I would like to put in my two cents on who I think should star as the comic book heroine!

The gorgeous Megan Fox!

Of course, you know Hollywood! They always have someone in mind that can fit their political agenda, right?

Boy, talk about something you didn't need to see today!


Brooke said...


That's so funny; I just changed my AV today, and then I saw this! :)

Brooke said...

Megan Fox looks dead-on, just needs a little workout!

EDGE said...


You know I could probably help her out with that... a heh heh heh...


Brooke said...

The thirty-minute workout, huh? ;)


Jennifer said...

No, Brooke, more like Sweatin' to the Oldies!

Brooke said...

Oh, I can't TAKE Richard Simmons!

nanc said...


now i need to wash my eyes out with gojo!

Anonymous said...



yep, Megan is the gal.
You know how to pick em.

Anonymous said...

Brooke's AV rocks.

EDGE needs a date ASAP.


Jennifer said...

I think Edge would look cute in one of Richard Simmon's Spandex workout outfits, Brooke.

Jennifer said...

Actually, Edge prefers Speedos!

Jennifer said...

Nanc, now I need some of your gojo. STAT!

EDGE said...

If you all haven't figured it out yet Jennifer knows me...

...and she's addicted to crack.

Nikki said...

I am going to trust your hot chick opinion...she definately has the goods to deliver on the hot wonder woman bod. I remember Linda Carter was very volumptuous and let's keep it that way...I think WW should be strong and powerful not skinny and weak...heroine chicks just don't cut the WW image...:)N

EDGE said...


I agree, she is kinda petite to take on that role (I don't think it's been offered to her yet). Maybe Jessica Biel would be a good one!

WomanHonorThyself said...

covers eyes* LOL

Papa Frank said...

Demi Moore?

Papa Frank said...

Rachael Ray? :)

Papa Frank said...


EDGE said...

Papa Frank,

Wonder Woman with a concealed carry permit. Now that's cool!

Papa Frank said...

If Brooke had a magic lasso and invisible jet there would certainly be NOOOOO stopping her! And honestly, who would want to stop her? This little vacation she went on awhile back was probably some sort of secret mission to........................

EDGE said...

.........kick some serious A$$!


Brooke said...

Shhh... Don't give away my secret identity... ;)

EDGE said...

Sorry Brooke.


kevin said...

There's only one liberal super hero.
Captain Planet.

EDGE said...


I've got a good video I'll be posting next week that features Captain Planet (and his extrememly gay outfit.). You'll like it.

Steve Harkonnen said...

Megan Fox is a babe for sure!!!! Keep posting those pics!

Brooke said...

They STILL play Cpt. Planet on Boomerang early in the mornings.

It's excruciating!

EDGE said...

Yah Steve! She's a hottie, alright! Well I know how to get to visit ECM don't I?

Hey, Brooke. Yah captain Planet sucked.

Cappy said...

You have got to cut that out! Pic #2 completely demolishes any interest spurred by pic #1!

EDGE said...


Yah I know :O).