Sunday, July 5, 2009

We Were Soldiers (Paramount 2002)

I knew there was a reason.

I knew there was a reason why I find most movies about the Vietnam War distasteful.

They're liberal.

Most WWII movies aren't, but when it comes to Vietnam the Hollywood Left loves using it as a personal punching bag for their anti-military and anti-American views.

Then there is the Mel Gibson classic We Were Soldiers. Instead of making our guys look like a bunch of nutjobs, Gibson tells the true story of heroic young men and their families. You want to pull for these guys. You're heart will break when they fall, and you will rejoice when they stick it to the North Vietnamese.

What if stories like this made it out to the general public during the 1960's? Would the outcome of the war be different? Would Vietnam be a different place? Would America?

Here is the trailer...


Borepatch said...

"What if stories like this made it out to the general public during the 1960's? Would the outcome of the war be different? Would Vietnam be a different place? Would America?"

Well said.

And FYI, at my town's Independence Day parade, an ECU Football hat was seen ... ;-)

EDGE said...


Good man wearin' that hat for all to see!


Brooke said...

Good one.

If only I can get past Gibson being in the movie. ;)

EDGE said...


He's a tough one to figure out for sure!

WomanHonorThyself said...

great post bro..good to see ya again!

Anonymous said...

Right on target my good friend.

Right Truth said...

Seen it. I think we've seen every war movie ever made.

I'm waiting for a conservative director to make a movie about the Iraq war. ..... still waiting.....

Debbie Hamilton
Right Truth

Z said...

This, I'd like to see (if it isn't as gory as Saving Private Ryan..blech!)
Thanks, Edge!

nanc said...

excellent movie - one of our faves - as a matter of fact, i believe we have two or three copies!

pop and i watched "pay it forward" this weekend and he started his manly sniffling in the first ten minutes of the movie - he's a soft touch. i love him.

Always On Watch said...

Of course, during the Vietnam War, we got no film as patriotic as this one.

One of my favorite war movies, BTW. It shows must how much those in uniform sacrifice for our nation as they live their lives and work so hard in that alternate reality that is the battlefield. The debt we safely at home owe them can NEVER be repaid!

ASM826 said...

You can have a great movie, and an actor/actress that isn't politically supportable.

The new movie "Public Enemies" comes to mind. Great movie about John Dillinger, starring Johnny Depp. Here's a video about the use of technology in the movie.

I saw this film over the weekend and recommend it for a future post on ECM.